You’ve got to the end of your job interview, and the interviewer asks you “So, do you have any questions for me about the business?”

You should always have a few questions lined up ready to ask, it shows your enthusiasm about the role and that you really want to be a part of the company and understand its culture. It also stops an awkward silence at the end of the interview!


What are the best questions you should ask to really stand out? Here’s our top 5.


  1. Do you enjoy working here and what is your favourite part about working at the company?

This will help you determine how current employees feel about the company. If they are genuinely enthusiastic and can tell you multiple reasons, that is a good thing. If they can’t, it’s worth noting.


  1. Are there opportunities for training and progression within the role/company?

This shows you are thinking about the longer term and want something with longevity and to commit to a role or business and stay there.


  1. What do you think are the most important qualities for someone to excel in this role?

If they describe something similar to your work experience or what you’ve talked about previously in the interview, that means they think you are a good candidate for the role and could be a good fit.


  1. Is this a new role that has been created?

This can help you determine if there was someone doing the role before you and the circumstances surrounding why they left. Was it retirement or they found another job somewhere else, or is there a high turnover of people in the business which could reflect on what the companies culture is?


  1. Can you tell me more about the team I would be working in?

If you get the role, these will be who you spend 5 days a week with! Find out how many are in the team, where they sit, what the office is like and how social they are. That way you can fit in quickly if you get the job.